DUNCAN Bannatyne has revealed how a dragonfly bite left him fighting for his life.
The Dragons’ Den millionaire suffered an anaphylactic shock following the sting while on holiday in Mexico last month.

The dad-of-six, 75, has confessed it has left him obsessed with finalising his will.
Duncan said: “I almost died in Mexico just a few weeks ago. I got this infection in my hand, it was a bite and it swelled up.
“And everyone said you need a doctor, so I got the doctor, I lay on the bed and he said he’s going to give me an injection because it’s a dragonfly.
“He injected me into my hip.
“I was lying on my back, my wife was there, he was there, they were chatting,
“And I had this dryness come in my oesophagus, my throat, I was like ‘it’s so dry’ I couldn’t speak.
“My heart started going bum bum bum and I’m going arrrrgh.
“Luckily the doctor hadn’t left the room and saw me and he knew what had happened.
“I’d had an anaphylactic shock.
“I was already thinking about (my will) but that made me more keen on it (planning).”
Duncan opened up on the near-death experience to the BBC business show’s presenter Evan Davis on his BBC Radio 4 show The Bottom Line: The Decisions That Made Me A Leader.
Duncan, who was away with stunning third wife Nigora, 43, added: “Something I am obsessed with is planning my will. When I’m gone, what happens.
“At some time in your life someone who is very old will say ‘listen when I die I want you to do this..’ and you say ‘don’t talk about dying’ and ‘mum don’t tell me that’ but now I want to do it!
“I want to put the plans in place.”